
Words Preview:

semester 學期

professor 教授

on vacation 渡假

have my hair done 做頭髮

actually 事實上



People are having a short conversation with people they just met.

Do you know how to start a conversation with a stranger?






A: So, what are you taking this semester?

B: Well, I’m taking a business class...

A: Me, too. Whose class are you in?

B: Professor Jones’s.

A: Oh, so am I.

B: How do you like the class so far?

A: I really like it.


A: Are you enjoying the party?

B: Yes, I am.

A: Can I get you something to drink?

B: Not right now, thanks.


A: Do you want to share a taxi into town?

B: Oh, sure.

A: Are you here on vacation?

B: No, business. I’m in computers.

A: Oh, me, too. I work for IBM.

B: Really? I work for Apple.

A: Oh!


A: How do you like this weather?

B: Oh, the weather’s great.

A: So, when did you get here?

B: I arrived yesterday

A: And how long are you staying?

B: For a week.

A: Well, uh, want to go for a swim?

B: Sure. You first.


A: Have you been here before?

B: No, this is my first time. I hope they do something nice with my hair.

A: Oh, I’m sure they will. I always have my hair done here. Ask for Randy. He’s very good.

B: Which one is he?

A: The tall guy over there.


A: How do you like it here?

B: It’s very nice. My room is really comfortable.

A: So is mine. Are you traveling with friends?

B: No, actually, I’m traveling alone.

A: Me, too. Say would you like to go to the coffee shop for a cup of coffee?

B: Sure.


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