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Health and Health Insurance in Germany

Hsiao-yun Kleber-Chang/tr. by Paul Frank

Universal health insurance is a valuable but little appreciated public service wherever it exists in the world. Does Germany's century of experience with universal health coverage give people in Taiwan cause for optimism or concern?

When I arrived in Germany 20 years ago, what I found hardest to get used to my university's requirement that everyone have health insurance. Without a document proving that you had health insurance, you could not even register. The monthly premium of DM68 (about NT$1200 in those days) was no small sum for an impoverished student like me.

Student health premiums were very reasonable compared to what most Germans had to pay, which was seven or eight times more. When I went abroad after graduating from college I had no experience of any sort of public health and labor insurance system, because in those days Taiwan still had no national health insurance program. I had always been in the best of health, and other than an occasional visit to the dentist, I had almost no contact with medical doctors and hospitals. I therefore considered my insurance payments a complete waste. I resented the fact that my insurance company was subsidizing a complete stranger's healthcare with my money.




全民健保  universal health insurance

不討好  little appreciated

樂觀   optimism

要求n.  requirement

註冊    register

窮學生  impoverished student

保費  premiums

出國(唸書)  go abroad

勞保  labor insurance

補貼  subsidizing


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    The war between the Orcs and Humans ended. An uneasy peace settled over the land while, for years, the drums[1] of war were silent. Yet the kingdoms of men grew complacent[2] in their victory - and slowly, the defeated orcish clans[3] regrouped under the banner of a new visionary[4] leader.

    Now a darker shadow has fallen over the world, threatening to extinguish all life - all hope. The drums of war play upon the winds once again - rising urgently towards the inevitable hour when the skies will rain fire - and the world will tremble[5] before the coming of the Burning Legion.

    Our years have passed since the aftermath[6] of Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, and a great tension now smolders[7] throughout the ravaged world of Azeroth. As the battle-worn[8] races begin to rebuild their shattered[9] kingdoms, new threats, both ancient and ominous[10], arise to plague[11] the world once again.

World of Warcraft is an online role-playing experience set in the award-winning Warcraft universe. Players assume the roles of Warcraft heroes as they explore, adventure, and quest across a vast world. World of Warcraft is a "Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game" which allows thousands of players to interact within the same world. Whether adventuring together or fighting against each other in epic[12] battles, players will form friendships, forge[13] alliances, and compete with enemies for power and glory.

Wanna know more about this War?


[1] Drums: a percussion instrument consisting of a hollow shell or cylinder

    with a drumhead stretched over one or both ends that is beaten with the

    hands or with some implement (as a stick or wire brush) 鼓聲

[2] Complacent: self-satisfied 滿足的;自滿的

[3] Clans: a group of people tracing descent from a common ancestor 部落; 氏族

[4] Visionary: having or marked by foresight and imagination有遠見的

[5] Tremble: to shake involuntarily 震顫,發抖

[6] Aftermath: the period immediately following a usually ruinous event


[7] Smolders: to show suppressed anger, hate, or jealousy 


[8] Battle-worn: battle = war 戰爭被戰火破壞的

[9] Shattered: to break at once into pieces, to damage badly破滅;毀壞;損害

[10] Ominous: implies having a menacing, alarming character foreshadowing

     evil or disaster不祥的,不吉的

[11] Plague: a disastrous evil or affliction 使受災禍

[12] Epic: extending beyond the usual or ordinary especially in size or


[13] Forge: a furnace or a shop with its furnace where metal is heated

     and wrought鍛鍊.打造



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Personality Test  人格小測驗

What type are you?  你是那一型?

Click on the shape you find most appealing. Consider both form and color.

Guess what type I am?

去這個網站看解釋Ulla Zang's Personality Test

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Maintenance   保養品系列

Cleansing cream              洗面乳

Eye & lip makeup remover           眼唇謝妝液

Foamingcleanser            洗面泡泡

Creamy  cleanser           洗面乳

Gel cleanser            洗面膠

Facial scrub           臉部去角質

Astringent toner            收斂水

Alcohol-free toner            無酒精化妝水

Oil-free lotion             無油乳液

Oil-free moisturizer            無油保濕

Rich moisturizer              滋潤型保濕

Beauty essence            美容液

Facial cream            臉霜

Night Cream            晚霜

Lip balm            護唇膏

Eye cream            眼霜

Make-up  化妝品系列 

Make-up Cream Base            打底

Makeup sponge           化妝棉

Concealer           遮遐膏

Liquid foundation           液態粉妝

Cream foundation            乳狀粉妝

Cake foundation           固態粉妝

Powder brush           粉刷

Powder compact           粉餅

Powder puff          蜜粉撲

Loose Powder           蜜粉

Highlight           打光

Tweezers           修眉刀

Eye brow brush           眉刷

Eye brow pencil           眉筆

Eye liner            眼線

Eye shadow brush           眼影刷

Eyelash curler           睫毛夾

Lash comb           睫毛梳

mascara           睫毛膏

Blush brush           腮紅刷

Lip pencil           唇筆

Lip brush           唇刷

Lipstick           口紅

Lip gloss            唇蜜



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這些縮寫的發展已經行之有年囉!讓我們先一起來學常見的縮寫吧 ^^

ASAP 儘快 (As soon as possible)

BRB 馬上回來 (Be right back)

LOL 哈哈大笑 (Laughing out loud)

ROTFL 捧腹大笑 (Rolling on the floor laughing)

BTW 順便一提 (By the way)

OIC 喔,原來如此 (Oh, I see)

CUL 待會兒見 (See you later)

OTOH 反之 (On the other hand)

GMTA 英雄所見略同 (Great minds think alike)

IMHO 個人認為 (In my humble opinion)

RUOK 你還好嗎?(Are you OK?)

TIA 先謝了 (Thanks in advance)

J/K 只是開玩笑 (Just kidding)

TTFN 暫時告辭 (Ta-ta for now)



其他的看到的時候再上來查就可以了唷 ^^

文字 意義
AAMOF as a matter of fact (事實上)
AAR at any rate (無論如何)
ADN any day now (隨時)
AFAIK  as far as I know (據我所知)
AFK away from keyboard 

AFKBRB away from keyboard, be right back (暫時離開鍵盤,馬上回來)
ASAP  as soon as possible (盡快)
A/S/L age/sex/location 

B2W back to work (回去工作了)
B4N (或 BFN) bye for now (暫時聊到這裡)
BAK back at keyboard (我回來了)
BBL be back later (稍後回來)
BBS be back soon (馬上回來)
BCNU be seeing you (再見)
BF (或 B/F) boyfriend (男朋友)
BMN but maybe not (也許不)
BRB be right back (馬上回來)
BTDT been there, done that 

BTW by the way (順便提一下)
BYKT but you knew that 

CIO cut it out (算了)
CMIIW correct me if I'm wrong (我沒有把握)
CU (或 CYA) see you (再見)
CUL (或 CUL8R) see you later (待會見)
DIY do it yourself (自己來)
DYJHIW don't you just hate it when 

EAK eating at keyboard (離不開鍵盤)
EOL end of lecture (演講結束)
EOM end of message (訊息結束)
F2F (或 FTF) face to face (面對面)
FAPP for all practical purposes

FOFL (或 FOTFL) falling on the floor laughing

FTR for the record (列入記錄)
FWIW for what it's worth (不論真假)
FYA for your amusement (開玩笑的啦)
FYEO for your eyes only (限收件者閱讀)
FYI for your information (供你參考)
g (或 ) grin (微笑)
G (或 ) big grin (較大的微笑)
G2G (或 GTG) got to go (我要走了)
GAL get a life (別來煩我了)
GD&H grinning, ducking, and hiding 

GD&R grinning, ducking, and running 

GD&RVVF grinning, ducking, and running, very, very fast (微笑、閃避,然後快速逃走)
GF (或 G/F) girlfriend (女朋友)
GG gotta go 或 good game 

GIWIST gee, I wish I said that 

GMTA great minds think alike 

GoAT go away, troll (走開,滾開)
HAK hugs and kisses (擁抱及親吻)
HAGD have a great day (祝你有美好的一天)
HAND have a nice day (祝你今天愉快)
HEH a courtesy laugh (禮貌的微笑)
HHOS ha–ha, only serious 

HTH hope this helps 或 hope that helps (希望這樣有用)
IAE in any event (無論任何情況)
HW homework 或 hardware 

IANAL I am not a lawyer (我又不是律師)
IC I see (原來如此)
ICBW I could be wrong 或 it could be worse (我可能錯了,或情況可能更糟)
IDTS I don't think so (我不這麼認為)
IINM if I'm not mistaken 

IIRC if I recall correctly (如果我記得沒錯)
IIUC if I understand correctly 

IMCO in my considered opinion

IME in my experience (根據我的經驗)
IMHO in my humble opinion (依我個人淺見)
IMNSHO in my not–so–humble opinion 

IMO in my opinion (依我看來)
IOW in other words (換句話說)
IRL in real life (現實生活)
ISTM it seems to me (我認為)
ISWYM I see what you mean

ITRW in the real world (在現實生活中)
J (或 ) joking (開個玩笑)
JC just chillin' (只是有點失望)
JIC just in case (以防萬一)
JK (或 J/K) just kidding 或 that was a joke 

JTYWTK just thought you wanted to know 

JW just wondering (只是有點好奇)
K okay (好)
KWIM know what I mean? 

L (或 ) laughing (大笑)
L8R later (稍後)
LJBF let's just be friends 

LOL laughing out loud (放聲大笑)
LTNS long time no see (好久不見)
MHBFY my heart bleeds for you

MHOTY my hat's off to you 

MOTAS member of the appropriate sex 

MOTD message of the day (每日提示)
MYOB mind your own business

NBD no big deal (沒什麼大不了)
NBIF no basis in fact (沒有根據)
NOYB none of your business (不關你的事)
NP no problem (沒問題)
NRN no response necessary 或 no reply necessary (不需要答覆)
OIC oh, I see (噢!我知道了)
OM oh my 或 old man, as in husband

OOI out of interest (沒有興趣)
OOTB out of the box (立即可用的)
OTL out to lunch (外出用餐)
OTOH on the other hand (另一方面)
OTTH on the third hand (第三手的)
PAW parents are watching (父母監視中)
PC politically correct (政治立場正確)
PDA public display of affection

PEST please excuse slow typing (我的打字速度很慢,請多包涵)
PI (或 PIC) politically incorrect (政治立場不正確)
PKB (或 P/ K/B) pot, kettle, black 或 pot calling the kettle black (五十步笑百步)
PMBI pardon my butting in (請原諒我插入)
PMFJI pardon me for jumping in (請原諒我闖入)
POS parent over shoulder 或 parents over shoulder (父母在背後監視)
POV point of view (觀點)
PPL people (人)
PTB powers that be (當權者)
R (或 r) are (是)
REHI re–hello (following a short time away) 或 hi again (我又回來了)
RFC request for comment (請指教)
RL real life (現實生活)
ROTFL rolling on the floor laughing (捧腹大笑)
ROTFLOL rolling on the floor laughing out loud (笑得直不起腰)
S (或 ) smile (微笑)
SCNR sorry, could not resist (對不起,我忍不住)
SITD still in the dark (仍不明朗)
SOP standard operating procedure (標準作業程序)
SPMD some people may differ (有些人可能不同)
SUP what's up? (有什麼事?)
TBE to be expected (敬請期待)
THX (或 TX) thanks (謝謝)
TIA thanks in advance (先謝了)
TANJ there ain’t no justice (簡直沒有公理)
TIC tongue–in–cheek (隨便說說罷了)
TPTB the powers that be (當權者)
TTBOMK to the best of my knowledge 

TTFN ta–ta for now (再見)
TTYL talk to you later (待會再談)
TVM thanks very much (非常謝謝)
TYVMIA thank you very much in advance 

U you (你)
UW you're welcome (不客氣)
VBG () very big grin (非常大的微笑)
WB welcome back (歡迎回來)
WCD what's cookin' doc? (在忙什麼?)
WHBT we have been trolled 

WOA work of art (簡直是藝術極品)
WRT with regard to (或 with respect to) 

WTG way to go (做得好)
WTH what the heck? (這是什麼東西?)
Y (或 ) yawning (打呵欠)
YHBT you have been told 或 you have been trolled (早就告訴過你了)
YHBW you have been warned

YHM you have mail (你有信)
YMMV your mileage may vary (你的消費量可能不一樣)
YOYO you're on your own (你得靠自己了)
YWSYLS you win some, you lose some (有得有失)

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1. used to 過去曾經

2. either ... or .... 兩者擇一(不是A就是B)

3. well-paid 薪水高的

4. fool 欺騙、愚弄

5. found find找到的過去式

6. neither 兩者皆不、兩者皆無 通常用neither ... nor ... 既無A也無B


1. I used to go dancing with my wife in club when we just got married,

but I never do that again right now.

2. The result of this game is quite obvious. I think either Fernando

Alonso or Michael Schumacher would win Formula One World Championships.

3. It's said that computer engineer is a well-paid job, but meanwhile it

could be very tiring as well.

4. Don't fool me. I knew you play football in the girl's team.

5. The police found the missing child three hours later.

6. Neither job fits my interests. I will send my resume to other companies.

My father likes neither Shin (信樂團) nor May Day. He prefers 鄧麗君.



1. The result of this game is quite obvious. I think _________ Fernando

Alonso ____ Michael Schumacher would win Formula One World Championships.

2. Don't ______ me. I knew you play football in the girl's team.

3. The police ______ the missing child three hours later.

4. I ______ go dancing with my wife in club when we just got married,

but I never do that again right now.

5. __________ job fits my interests. I will send my resume to other companies.

6. My father likes _______ Shin (信樂團) _____ May Day. He prefers 鄧麗君.

7. It's said that computer engineer is a ________ job, but meanwhile it

could be very tiring as well.


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