Words Preview:
bandit 強盜
garage 車庫
comic book 漫畫書
pack away 打包
seed 種子
pastime 娛樂
teenager 青少年
play video games 打電動
computer screen 電腦螢幕
hiking 健行
keep fit 保持身材
collect 蒐集v.
collector 蒐集者n.
collection 蒐集n.
painting 圖畫
tiny 小小的
museum 博物館
college 大學
prize 獎項
competition 比賽
watercolor 水彩
oil 油畫
create 創造
retired 退休的adj.
outdoors 戶外
play golf 打高爾夫球
People are talking about the hobbies they used to do and the ones they are doing now.
Do you have new hobbies when time passes by?
What are your old and new hobbies?