Words Preview:
invite 邀請
course 課程
fantastic 很棒的
dormitory 宿舍
apartment 公寓
convention 會議
attend 參加
introduce 介紹
cousin 堂表兄弟姐妹
crowd 社群
French 法文
fluent 流利的
appointment 約定(約會)
People are talking to people they just met in the party.
Can you find out the pattern of a successful small talk?
A: Hello. I’m Patricia.
B: Hi. My name’s Anne.
A: Nice to meet you. Do you know a lot of people here?
B: Actually, I only know Linda here. She’s the one who invited me.
A: I see. Are you going to school here?
B: Yeah. I just arrived. I’m going to take a drama course. I’ll be here for six months.
A: Fantastic. Sounds interesting. Are you staying in a dormitory?
B: No. I have a couple of friends here, so we’ve rented an apartment.
A: By the way, let me give you my telephone number. Maybe we can get together sometime.
B: Thanks. We should have coffee sometime.
A: Hi. I’m Tony
B: Hello. I’m David.
A: Great party, isn’t it.
B: Yes, terrific.
A: Do you know a lot of people here?
B: Yeah, I know most of them.
A: Are you studying here?
B: No, I’m here for a convention.
A: What kind of convention?
B: It’s a computer convention. Most of these people are also attending it.
A: I see. Are you all staying in town?
B: Yeah, we’re all staying at the convention center hotel downtown.
A: So, how long will you be here?
B: We finish in two days. Then I head back to Chicago.
A: Well, enjoy the rest of your visit.
B: Thanks. Nice talking to you.
A: Hello. I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Karen.
B: Hi, I’m Debbie. Nice to meet you.
A: You, too. Are you new in town?
B: Yes, I am. I’m afraid I don’t know many people here.
A: Oh, I’ll take you around and introduce you to a few people then.
B: Thanks.
A: Are you on vacation here?
B: Yes. My cousin lives here—that’s her over there—Suzie Jacobs. I’m staying with her.
A: Oh, I know her. She’s a good friend of mine.
B: Really?
A: Yeah. So, will you be here long?
B: About six weeks.
A: Great! I’ll tell you what. I’m having a few friends over next Sunday. Why don’t you and Suzie come over, too?
B: I’d love to. Thanks.
A: Hi. My name’s Jonathan.
B: Hi. Jim’s the name.
A: Nice to meet you, Jim. Are you here with Teresa?
B: Yeah, she’s an old friend from college. I’m staying with her until I find my own place. She invited me along because I don’t know many people in town.
A: Great. You’ll get to know everyone here soon. This is a very friendly crowd.
B: That’s good.
A: So, did you just move here? Yes, I just started a new job here with a French language school. I speak French fluently.
A: Is that right? I’ve been thinking of studying French.
B: Oh! Well, let me give you my card. Call me some time next week to set up an appointment.
A: Great. Thanks. Well, in the meantime, enjoy the party
B: You, too.