


除了照片以外,還有專業的 ENGLISH 解說。


"Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured,

along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer."









NASA_Eng <---> 成大物理_CN

ps. 說到天文學的英文我可是一竅不通呢,該來惡補一下囉!




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Jack Johnson_Sitting, Waiting, Wishing

(From Album: In Between Dreams)

Now I was sitting waiting wishing

That you believed in superstitions (迷信)

Then maybe you'd see the signs (徵兆)

But Lord knows that this world is cruel

And I ain't the Lord, no I'm just a fool

Learning loving somebody don't make them love you

Must I always be waiting waiting on you?

Must I always be playing playing your fool?

I sang your songs, I danced your dance

I gave your friends all a chance

Putting up with them wasn't worth never having you

And maybe you been through this before

But its my first time

So please ignore

The next few lines cause they're directed at you


I can't always be waiting waiting on you

I can't always be playing playing your fool

keep playing your part

But it's not my scene

Want this plot to twist

I've had enough mystery

Keep building it up

Then shooting me down

But I'm already down

Just wait a minute

Just sitting waiting

Just wait a minute

Just sitting waiting

Well if I was in your position

I'd put down all my ammunition (彈藥)

I'd wondered why'd it taken me so long

But Lord knows that I'm not you

And If I was I wouldn't be so cruel

Cause waiting on love ain't so easy to do

Must I always be waiting waiting on you?

Must I always be playing playing your fool?

No I can't always be waiting waiting on you

I cant always be playing playing your fool, foool



Background Information of Jack Johnson 

Jack Johnson grew up in Hawaii.

He started playing guitar when he was 14.

Besides playing guitar, he loves surfing more. (衝浪)

Johnson had been a professional surfer until an accident,

in which he got more than 150 stitches (縫了x針)

to his mouth and forehead,  (額頭)

forcing him to take some time off. (休息)

He got his college degree as a film-director. (導演)

He also directed some surf films.

In the meantime, his music call the attention of music company which

pushed Johnson to record formal demos, (試錄) 

eventually leading to the release of Brushfire Fairytales in 2001.

Albums 專輯

Brushfire Fairytales 2001

On and On to 2003

In Between Dreams  2005

Surfing film

September Sessions

Thicker Than Water

A broken down Melody

參考資料 Jack Johnson Official Website

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Closer 這部電影是有關城市男女的愛情故事,





movie closer


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這些縮寫的發展已經行之有年囉!讓我們先一起來學常見的縮寫吧 ^^

ASAP 儘快 (As soon as possible)

BRB 馬上回來 (Be right back)

LOL 哈哈大笑 (Laughing out loud)

ROTFL 捧腹大笑 (Rolling on the floor laughing)

BTW 順便一提 (By the way)

OIC 喔,原來如此 (Oh, I see)

CUL 待會兒見 (See you later)

OTOH 反之 (On the other hand)

GMTA 英雄所見略同 (Great minds think alike)

IMHO 個人認為 (In my humble opinion)

RUOK 你還好嗎?(Are you OK?)

TIA 先謝了 (Thanks in advance)

J/K 只是開玩笑 (Just kidding)

TTFN 暫時告辭 (Ta-ta for now)



其他的看到的時候再上來查就可以了唷 ^^

文字 意義
AAMOF as a matter of fact (事實上)
AAR at any rate (無論如何)
ADN any day now (隨時)
AFAIK  as far as I know (據我所知)
AFK away from keyboard 

AFKBRB away from keyboard, be right back (暫時離開鍵盤,馬上回來)
ASAP  as soon as possible (盡快)
A/S/L age/sex/location 

B2W back to work (回去工作了)
B4N (或 BFN) bye for now (暫時聊到這裡)
BAK back at keyboard (我回來了)
BBL be back later (稍後回來)
BBS be back soon (馬上回來)
BCNU be seeing you (再見)
BF (或 B/F) boyfriend (男朋友)
BMN but maybe not (也許不)
BRB be right back (馬上回來)
BTDT been there, done that 

BTW by the way (順便提一下)
BYKT but you knew that 

CIO cut it out (算了)
CMIIW correct me if I'm wrong (我沒有把握)
CU (或 CYA) see you (再見)
CUL (或 CUL8R) see you later (待會見)
DIY do it yourself (自己來)
DYJHIW don't you just hate it when 

EAK eating at keyboard (離不開鍵盤)
EOL end of lecture (演講結束)
EOM end of message (訊息結束)
F2F (或 FTF) face to face (面對面)
FAPP for all practical purposes

FOFL (或 FOTFL) falling on the floor laughing

FTR for the record (列入記錄)
FWIW for what it's worth (不論真假)
FYA for your amusement (開玩笑的啦)
FYEO for your eyes only (限收件者閱讀)
FYI for your information (供你參考)
g (或 ) grin (微笑)
G (或 ) big grin (較大的微笑)
G2G (或 GTG) got to go (我要走了)
GAL get a life (別來煩我了)
GD&H grinning, ducking, and hiding 

GD&R grinning, ducking, and running 

GD&RVVF grinning, ducking, and running, very, very fast (微笑、閃避,然後快速逃走)
GF (或 G/F) girlfriend (女朋友)
GG gotta go 或 good game 

GIWIST gee, I wish I said that 

GMTA great minds think alike 

GoAT go away, troll (走開,滾開)
HAK hugs and kisses (擁抱及親吻)
HAGD have a great day (祝你有美好的一天)
HAND have a nice day (祝你今天愉快)
HEH a courtesy laugh (禮貌的微笑)
HHOS ha–ha, only serious 

HTH hope this helps 或 hope that helps (希望這樣有用)
IAE in any event (無論任何情況)
HW homework 或 hardware 

IANAL I am not a lawyer (我又不是律師)
IC I see (原來如此)
ICBW I could be wrong 或 it could be worse (我可能錯了,或情況可能更糟)
IDTS I don't think so (我不這麼認為)
IINM if I'm not mistaken 

IIRC if I recall correctly (如果我記得沒錯)
IIUC if I understand correctly 

IMCO in my considered opinion

IME in my experience (根據我的經驗)
IMHO in my humble opinion (依我個人淺見)
IMNSHO in my not–so–humble opinion 

IMO in my opinion (依我看來)
IOW in other words (換句話說)
IRL in real life (現實生活)
ISTM it seems to me (我認為)
ISWYM I see what you mean

ITRW in the real world (在現實生活中)
J (或 ) joking (開個玩笑)
JC just chillin' (只是有點失望)
JIC just in case (以防萬一)
JK (或 J/K) just kidding 或 that was a joke 

JTYWTK just thought you wanted to know 

JW just wondering (只是有點好奇)
K okay (好)
KWIM know what I mean? 

L (或 ) laughing (大笑)
L8R later (稍後)
LJBF let's just be friends 

LOL laughing out loud (放聲大笑)
LTNS long time no see (好久不見)
MHBFY my heart bleeds for you

MHOTY my hat's off to you 

MOTAS member of the appropriate sex 

MOTD message of the day (每日提示)
MYOB mind your own business

NBD no big deal (沒什麼大不了)
NBIF no basis in fact (沒有根據)
NOYB none of your business (不關你的事)
NP no problem (沒問題)
NRN no response necessary 或 no reply necessary (不需要答覆)
OIC oh, I see (噢!我知道了)
OM oh my 或 old man, as in husband

OOI out of interest (沒有興趣)
OOTB out of the box (立即可用的)
OTL out to lunch (外出用餐)
OTOH on the other hand (另一方面)
OTTH on the third hand (第三手的)
PAW parents are watching (父母監視中)
PC politically correct (政治立場正確)
PDA public display of affection

PEST please excuse slow typing (我的打字速度很慢,請多包涵)
PI (或 PIC) politically incorrect (政治立場不正確)
PKB (或 P/ K/B) pot, kettle, black 或 pot calling the kettle black (五十步笑百步)
PMBI pardon my butting in (請原諒我插入)
PMFJI pardon me for jumping in (請原諒我闖入)
POS parent over shoulder 或 parents over shoulder (父母在背後監視)
POV point of view (觀點)
PPL people (人)
PTB powers that be (當權者)
R (或 r) are (是)
REHI re–hello (following a short time away) 或 hi again (我又回來了)
RFC request for comment (請指教)
RL real life (現實生活)
ROTFL rolling on the floor laughing (捧腹大笑)
ROTFLOL rolling on the floor laughing out loud (笑得直不起腰)
S (或 ) smile (微笑)
SCNR sorry, could not resist (對不起,我忍不住)
SITD still in the dark (仍不明朗)
SOP standard operating procedure (標準作業程序)
SPMD some people may differ (有些人可能不同)
SUP what's up? (有什麼事?)
TBE to be expected (敬請期待)
THX (或 TX) thanks (謝謝)
TIA thanks in advance (先謝了)
TANJ there ain’t no justice (簡直沒有公理)
TIC tongue–in–cheek (隨便說說罷了)
TPTB the powers that be (當權者)
TTBOMK to the best of my knowledge 

TTFN ta–ta for now (再見)
TTYL talk to you later (待會再談)
TVM thanks very much (非常謝謝)
TYVMIA thank you very much in advance 

U you (你)
UW you're welcome (不客氣)
VBG () very big grin (非常大的微笑)
WB welcome back (歡迎回來)
WCD what's cookin' doc? (在忙什麼?)
WHBT we have been trolled 

WOA work of art (簡直是藝術極品)
WRT with regard to (或 with respect to) 

WTG way to go (做得好)
WTH what the heck? (這是什麼東西?)
Y (或 ) yawning (打呵欠)
YHBT you have been told 或 you have been trolled (早就告訴過你了)
YHBW you have been warned

YHM you have mail (你有信)
YMMV your mileage may vary (你的消費量可能不一樣)
YOYO you're on your own (你得靠自己了)
YWSYLS you win some, you lose some (有得有失)

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James Taylor of 2000

You've got a friend; you've got me.

I'd like to give this song as a reward to one of the winner of champion1--"ryoxxxxx" .

"You've Got a Friend" is one of my favorite songs.

Whenever I listen to it, I thought of those loving and caring friends around me.

So this song is like a good friend to me.

No matter I was happy or sad; I'd feel understood through listening to the song.

"You've Got a Friend" is James Taylor's number one song.

It won two Grammys -- one for James (Best Pop Male Vocal Performance)

and one for Carole (Song of the Year).

The song, from the album "Mud Slide Slim And The Blue Horizon",

was recorded in the spring of 1971. The singer, James Taylor,

was born March 12, 1948, in Boston. He got some mental and

drug problems while he was younger. But there is no denying

that he is a perfect singer. The way he sang was plain, deep

and OLD!! Yeah, I'm addicted to his OLD voice!!

The cover of the album

You've got a friend. Lyrics

Album:Mud Slide Slim And The Blue Horizon

Written by by Carole King

Recorded by James Taylor

When you're down and troubled

and you need a helping hand

and nothing, whoa nothing is going right.

Close your eyes and think of me

and soon I will be there

to brighten up even your darkest nights.

You just call out my name,

and you know whereever I am

I'll come running, oh yeah baby

to see you again.

Winter, spring, summer, or fall,

all you have to do is call

and I'll be there, yeah, yeah, yeah.

You've got a friend.

If the sky above you

should turn dark and full of clouds

and that old north wind should begin to blow

Keep your head together and call my name out loud

and soon I will be knocking upon your door.

You just call out my name and you know where ever I am

I'll come running to see you again.

Winter, spring, summer or fall

all you got to do is call

and I'll be there, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Hey, ain't it good to know that you've got a friend?

People can be so cold.

They'll hurt you and desert you.

Well they'll take your soul if you let them.

Oh yeah, but don't you let them.

You just call out my name and you know wherever I am

I'll come running to see you again.

Oh babe, don't you know that,

Winter spring summer or fall,

Hey now, all you've got to do is call.

Lord, I'll be there, yes I will.

You've got a friend.

You've got a friend.

Ain't it good to know you've got a friend.

Ain't it good to know you've got a friend.

You've got a friend.

Blue James

You've got a friend; you've got me.



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The background of the music today:

Band: Evanescence 

Amy Lee - Vocals, Piano

John Lecompt -Guitar

Will- Boyd - Bass

Terry Balsamo - Guitar

Rocky Gray -Drums

Evanescence got two Grammys in 2003.

And this song, Bring Me to Life, brought them the award of Best Hard Rock Performance.

Somebody called them the female version of Linking Park.

The group, as others, got a very humble beginning. 

Lee and her co-founder Ben Moody started from writing and recording songs 

at each other's parents houses, and only hired musicians to perform live 

a couple of times a year. Fisrt they performed at skating rinks. After a week, 

a month, they got more and more fans following them.

Lee said she loves what she does, and the music they create was real, honest, and genuine.

The music comes from heart, not from the desire of money.

That's why I like their music so much.

I love Lee's passionate voice and the aggressive music of the band.

It's so real, just like the voice out of my heart.

Turn the track on, and enjoy the music with me. ^^

The words you may need to know...

Grammy 葛萊美獎

award 獎

Best Hard Rock Performance 最佳搖滾演唱

female version  女生版

humble 謙卑

co-founder  共同的發起人

hire 雇用

musician 音樂演奏者

perform live 現場演唱

a couple of  一些

skating rinks 溜冰場

genuine 真誠的

passionate 熱情的

aggressive 侵略性的

Turn the track on 把音樂打開


how can you see into my eyes like open doors

leading you down into my core

where i've become so numb without a soul my spirit sleeping somewhere cold

until you find it there and lead it back home wake me up inside

wake me up inside

call my name and save me from the dark

bid my blood to run

before i come undone

save me from the nothing i've become

now that i know what i'm without

you can't just leave me

breathe into me and make me real

bring me to life

wake me up inside

wake me up inside

call my name and save me from the dark

bid my blood to run

before i come undone

save me from the nothing i've become

bring me to life

frozen inside without your touch without your love darling only you are the life among the dead

all this time i can't believe i couldn't see

kept in the dark but you were there in front of me

i've been sleeping a thousand years it seems

got to open my eyes to everything

without a thought without a voice without a soul

don't let me die here

there must be something more

bring me to life


First one is the life concert. In this music vedio, you will learn the powerful vocal of Lee.

Second one is more clear. And it's presented in a story way.

Live Concert 會lag,請耐心等待

Music clip

Sandy =^.^=


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1. in the corner 角落

2. fit in 適應

3. roll over 滾過去

4. amazing 神奇的

5. dangerous 危險的

6. grab a cup of coffee 買一杯咖啡

7. nobody try to follow us 不要跟過來

8. give me your money 把錢掏出來

9. what's the matter with you? 你怎麼了?

這一次的參賽者有三位...^^|| (大家多捧場嘛!!)

有兩個人通過: ryosaxxx,和Linxx


請你們把想聽的歌留在留言版上吧 ^^

這一次的題目大部分都錯在corner, roll over, follow這三個字上面,







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謝謝你們來看Sandy唷 ^^



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聽Movie Trailer完成下面填空,答對六題以上者(共9題),








Fun With Dick and Jane


Jim Carrey as Dick

Tea Leoni as Jane


"Fun with Dick and Jane" is a remake of a 1977 movie

of the same name. It is about a wealthy couple who

lose their main source of income. In order to keep

living the lifestyle they are used to, they decide

to steal to pay the bills.

ps. 回答時開兩個視窗比較容易

Narrator(旁白): In a small _____ of suburban America, where everyone is just trying to ____ in.

Dick: Morning Joe. Is that a new car?

Joe: Check this out. Mercedes. On.

Dick: Yeah, well watch this. Beamer. Sit. Play dead. I'd make it ____ over but it's hard on the paint job.

Narrator: One family...

Dick: I'm just reminding him to be a little less vocal.

Narrator: ... is living the American dream ...

Joe: Hey Dick, this place looks _______. What's your secret?

Dick: You know I wish I could tell you but it's very sensitive... very _______.

Jane: Want to grab a cup of ______ while we're in here?

Dick: Ice mocha sounds nice.

Narrator: ...a little differently.

Dick: Two ice mochas! Let's go!

Dick: Woah! Jeez! Are you OK, hon?

Jane: I'm OK.

Dick: Alright, nobody try to _____ us because we're desperate criminals! We're crazy people! .... Thanks a lot.

Narrator: Fun with Dick and Jane

Dick: Give me your _____!

Dick: Garth?

Garth: Dick?

Dick: You, uh, remember Jane?

Jane: Hi, Garth.

Garth: What's the _____ with you?

Dick: I got ya! I got ya.


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Hi, my friends~

Enjoy the film, and

wish you have a nice day.

Don't forget to wear that smile on your face!


Have A Nice Day _Bon Jovi

Why, you wanna tell me how to live my life?

Who, are you to tell me if it's black or white?

Mama, can you hear me? Try to understand.

Is innocence the difference between a boy and a man.

My daddy lived the lie, it's just the price that he paid.

Sacrificed his life, just slaving away.

Ohhh, if there's one thing I hang onto,

It gets me through the night.

I aint gonna do what I don't want to,

I'm gonna live my life.

Shining like a diamond, rolling with the dice,

Standing on the ledge, show the wind how to fly.

When the world gets in my face,

I say, Have A Nice Day.

Have A Nice Day

Take a look around you, look its what he sees.

We're living in a broken home of hopes and dreams,

Let me be the first to shake a helping hand.

Everybody, pray enough to take your stand,

I knocked on every door, on every dead end street,

Looking for forgiveness,

what's left to believe?

Ohhh, if there’s one thing I hang onto,

It gets me through the night.

I aint gonna do what I don’t want to,

Im gonna live my life.

Shining like a diamond, rolling with the dice,

Standing on the ledge, show the wind how to fly.

When the world gets in my face,

I say, Have A Nice Day.

Have A Nice Day.

Guitar Solo

Ohhh, if there's one thing I hang onto,

It gets me through the night.

I aint gonna do what I don't want to,

Im gonna live my life.

Shining like a diamond, rolling with the dice,

Standing on the ledge, show the wind how to fly.

When the world gets in my face,

I say, Have A Nice Day.

Have A Nice Day.

Have A Nice Day.

Have A Nice Day.

Have A Nice Day.

When The world keeps trying, to drag me down,

Ive gotta raise my hands, gonna stand my ground.

Well I say, Have A Nice Day.

Have A Nice Day

Have A Nice Day


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來聽歌吧~ James Blunt_You're beautiful

這張的James Blunt很有孤獨感





歌詞裡說"'Cause I'll never be with you."。



















我很喜歡歌詞裡的一句" we shared a moment that will last till the end."





那我就不野人獻曝囉!如果有人想看再跟我說吧 ^^

ps. 後來還是放上來了...太孤獨了...真是好聽阿!!^^||

James Blunt 拍這MV應該吃了不少苦吧~ 又淋雨又喝很多水

來聽You're beautiful.


James Blunt_You're Beautiful

My life is brilliant. 我的人生多彩多姿

My love is pure. 我的愛情純靜無暇

I saw an angel. 直到我遇見天使那一刻

Of that I'm sure. 我知道這是真的

She smiled at me on the subway. 她在地鐵對我微笑

She was with another man. 她和一個男人肩並肩站著

But I won't lose no sleep on that, 不過我不會因此而睡不著

'Cause I've got a plan. 因為我知道我該怎麼做

You're beautiful. You're beautiful. 妳真的太漂亮了,太漂亮了

You're beautiful, it's true. 妳太漂亮了,這是真心的

I saw you face in a crowded place, 我在人群之中看到妳的臉龐

And I don't know what to do, 然後我呆掉了

'Cause I'll never be with you. 我知道沒有機會跟妳在一起

Yeah, she caught my eye, 我的目光移不開

As we walked on by. 當我們擦肩而過的時候

She could see from my face that I was, 她從我的表情一定可以看出

Flying high, 我真是超高興的

And I don't think that I'll see her again, 但我覺得我們不會再見到面了

But we shared a moment that will last till the end. 但是當下個感覺會持續到永遠

You're beautiful. You're beautiful.

You're beautiful, it's true.

I saw you face in a crowded place,

And I don't know what to do,

'Cause I'll never be with you.

You're beautiful. You're beautiful.

You're beautiful, it's true.

There must be an angel with a smile on her face, 她的臉上一定住著一位微笑的天使

When she thought up that I should be with you. 天使一定覺得我應該和妳在一起

But it's time to face the truth, 但是分開的時候到了

I will never be with you. 我知道我不能跟妳在一起

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這首MV送給akima老弟,請笑納 ^^



I gave you my best wishes~








Bad Day_Daniel Powter

Where is the moment we need at the most

You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost

They tell me your blue skies fade to grey

They tell me your passion's gone away

And I don't need no carryin' on

You stand in the line just to hit a new low

You're faking a smile with the coffee to go

You tell me your life's been way off line

You're falling to pieces everytime

And I don't need no carryin' on

Cause you had a bad day

You're taking one down

You sing a sad song just to turn it around

You say you don't know

You tell me don't lie

You work at a smile and you go for a ride

You had a bad day

The camera don't lie

You're coming back down and you really don't mind

You had a bad day

You had a bad day

Well you need a blue sky holiday

The point is they laugh at what you say

And I don't need no carryin' on

You had a bad day

You're taking one down

You sing a sad song just to turn it around

You say you don't know

You tell me don't lie

You work at a smile and you go for a ride

You had a bad day

The camera don't lie

You're coming back down and you really don't mind

You had a bad day

(Oh.. Holiday..)

Sometimes the system goes on the blink

And the whole thing turns out wrong

You might not make it back and you know

That you could be well oh that strong

And I'm not wrong

So where is the passion when you need it the most

Oh you and I

You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost

Cause you had a bad day

You're taking one down

You sing a sad song just to turn it around

You say you don't know

You tell me don't lie

You work at a smile and you go for a ride

You had a bad day

You've seen what you like

And how does it feel for one more time

You had a bad day

You had a bad day

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Eric Clapton has been acclaimed as one of rock's greatest guitarists.

"I never met my father," Mr. Clapton told his biographer in 1985.

"And I realized that the closest I ever came to looking into my

father's eyes was when I looked into my son's eyes."

Like his father, Mr. Clapton has been known to change women often.

His brief affair with model Lori del Santo resulted in the birth of

Mr. Clapton's son, Conor.

Mr. Clapton's five-year-old son, Conor, plummeted to his death in

1991 from the 53rd floor of the New York City apartment of his mother,

Italian model Lori del Santo.

Missing the father he never knew, Conor's death pushed Mr. Clapton

into depression. From it emerged Tears in Heaven, Mr. Clapton's most

successful song.

Eric Clapton在西洋樂壇素有"吉他之神"的美譽,他說他從未








Tears in heaven_Eric Clapton

Would you know my name

If I saw you in heaven

Would it be the same

If I saw you in heaven

I must be strong and carry on

Cause I know I don't belong here in heaven

Would you hold my hand

If I saw you in heaven

Would you help me stand

If I saw you in heaven

I'll find my way through night and day

Cause I know I just can't stay here in heaven

Time can bring you down

Time can bend your knees

Time can break your heart

Have you begging please, begging please

Beyond the door there's peace I'm sure

And I know there'll be no more tears in heaven


entlab 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

1. used to 過去曾經

2. either ... or .... 兩者擇一(不是A就是B)

3. well-paid 薪水高的

4. fool 欺騙、愚弄

5. found find找到的過去式

6. neither 兩者皆不、兩者皆無 通常用neither ... nor ... 既無A也無B


1. I used to go dancing with my wife in club when we just got married,

but I never do that again right now.

2. The result of this game is quite obvious. I think either Fernando

Alonso or Michael Schumacher would win Formula One World Championships.

3. It's said that computer engineer is a well-paid job, but meanwhile it

could be very tiring as well.

4. Don't fool me. I knew you play football in the girl's team.

5. The police found the missing child three hours later.

6. Neither job fits my interests. I will send my resume to other companies.

My father likes neither Shin (信樂團) nor May Day. He prefers 鄧麗君.



1. The result of this game is quite obvious. I think _________ Fernando

Alonso ____ Michael Schumacher would win Formula One World Championships.

2. Don't ______ me. I knew you play football in the girl's team.

3. The police ______ the missing child three hours later.

4. I ______ go dancing with my wife in club when we just got married,

but I never do that again right now.

5. __________ job fits my interests. I will send my resume to other companies.

6. My father likes _______ Shin (信樂團) _____ May Day. He prefers 鄧麗君.

7. It's said that computer engineer is a ________ job, but meanwhile it

could be very tiring as well.


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