Hello. This is Jim from Jim’s Auto Repair [汽車修理場]. I’m calling about your car. I’m afraid it’s not going to be ready until Friday. You can pick it up [拿(車)] any time after four. By the way, the car radio isn’t working properly [運轉不正常]. Do you want us to fix [修理] that, too? Please give us a call today to confirm [確認].
Hi. This is your neighbor Pat. ABC Express [快遞] tried to deliver a package [寄送包裹] today, but you weren’t home so they left it with me. If you like, I’ll bring it over tonight around 8 o’clock. Let me know if you’ll be home.
Hi, Andre. This is Susan. I’d like to invite [邀請] you to my birthday party on Saturday. I hope you can come. Bring a friend if you like. I’ll be out till late tonight, so I’ll be in touch [聯絡] tomorrow to give you more details [細節]. Bye.
This is Classic Records. The CD you ordered [訂] is in. Please come by and pick it up. Or if you like, we can send it to your office. Please let us know which you’d prefer [比較喜歡].
Andre. Hi. This is Kathy. Sorry I missed you. Thanks for your invitation to dinner tomorrow. It sounds lovely, but unfortunately [不巧地] I can’t go. I have to work late. I’ll try you tomorrow morning again before 9:00. Bye.
This is Dr. Costello’s office. We’re calling about your dental appointment [牙醫門診]. We cannot give you an appointment on Thursday, but we can give you one next Tuesday. Please give us a call to confirm.