



Hi. This is Mary from Gold Coast [金海岸] Travel Agency [旅行社]. We’ve confirmed your flights [確認班機] for you, so come by and get your tickets any time today before 7 p.m. We’ve also booked [訂] you for three nights in the Paradise Inn [天堂酒店], right on the beach. The hotel has a shuttle bus [接駁公車] that takes you from the airport to the hotel, and it should be waiting for you outside the baggage claim area [行李提取處]. It’s a complimentary shuttle [指飯店提供的接泊車], so you don’t have to pay for the trip, although we recommend [建議] you tip [給小費] the driver. A few dollars for each bag should be fine. All right? Call me at 878-1990 when you get this message.


Hey, this is Peter from the mailroom [郵件收發室]. There’s a package here waiting for you, so when you get a chance, could you come down and pick it up? Actually, it’s after five o’clock, so I guess we’re closed now. I’ll leave the package for you at the front desk  [大廳櫃台], with the receptionist [接待員]. Just pick it up tomorrow from her. Oh, I almost forgot. That letter you were waiting for, the urgent [緊急的] one with the legal documents [法律文件]? I’m sorry to tell you it hasn’t arrived [送達] yet. If you want to check again tomorrow morning, just give me a call at extension [分機] 44.


Hi, this is Frank. Hope you’re not working too hard down there! Anyway I was calling to ask you something. Would you like to have lunch with me. I want to take you to lunch at a great Italian restaurant near the harbor [港口]. They serve this really amazing vegetarian lasagna [素食的千層麵], and the service is really great—helpful and polite. Then, after lunch, I was thinking maybe we could take a boat trip on the river. I’m sure you’d enjoy it. Anyway, give me a call on Thursday and let me know if you’re free. My number is 754-9367.


Hi, this message is for Daniel. This is Mrs. Lee, from Sunshine Dry Cleaners [乾洗店]. The shirts you left with us on Friday are ready now. Please pick them up [領取] from the store any time on Monday. We’re open until 9:00 p.m. In case [假使] you don’t remember, we’re on the corner of [在...轉角] Elm Street and Highway 31, next to the movie theater. The total cost [全部的花費] for the shirts is $25.99, but we don’t take credit cards [信用卡], so you’ll have to pay cash. If you have any questions, please call me. The number is 468-3114.

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