Thank you for calling Century Cinemas [世紀戲院]. Our movie today in Cinema 1 [1廳]is Die Harder: The Final Conflict [戰鬥]. It’s an action-packed movie with lots of car chases. Movie times are 2:30, 4:45, 7:30, and 10:00.
In Cinema 2 today, we are showing the comedy, Party Animal. This hilarious film [搞笑片] is full of big stars. The movie is showing at 1:30, 4:30, 6:15, and 9:00.
Our movie in Cinema 3 today is called Dreams. This is a romance about a doctor and her patient. Show times are 1:00, 3:15, 6:30, and 9:30.
You have reached the recorded message [錄製的留言]for Cinema 4. Today’s movie is Cowboy’s Run. It is set in Mexico[墨西哥]. The cowboys fight bankers [銀行業者]who want to take their land. Show times are noon, 3:30, 5:30, and 8:00.
Cinema 5’s movie for today, Space Children, is an exciting story of five people who are kidnapped [被綁架] by aliens [外星人]. It is not suitable for children under 13. Show times are 2:00, 5:00, 7:00, and 9:15.
Today’s movie in Cinema 6 is Monster Party. Two young men are bitten [被咬] by dogs, and, when the moon comes out, they turn into dogs and kill people. Children under 17 will not be admitted [被允許進入]without an adult. Show times are 10:00, 1:45, 4:15, and 6:45.