
Level: Easy

Topic: Shopping

Listening Instruction: 聽力指引

1. Listen for keywords.  注意大綱

2. Listen for tone of voice.  注意聽語調和情緒的關係

3. Finish the multiple-choice question. 

4. Finish the Q&As.  完成問答


People in the stores are discussing the style, price,

color and size of the items they are going to buy.

Words Preview: 單字預覽

afford  v. 買得起

awful  adj. 糟糕的

band (for watch)  n. 錶帶

heavy-looking  adj. (看來)笨重的

mid-year sale  n. 年中拍賣

present  n.禮物

size  n. 尺寸

style  n.款式

unusual   adj. 不尋常

It goes perfectly with… 跟~~搭配起來很讚

Just Listening 聽聽看!

Questions (for non-major) 習題  

1.The style   Good   Okay   Not Good (選擇)

  The color   Good   Okay   Not Good

  The size    Good   Okay   Not Good

  Does the man look good in the jacket?(問答)

  What’s the woman’s suggestion?

2.The price   Good   Okay   Not Good

  The color   Good   Okay   Not Good

  The size    Good   Okay   Not Good

  Will they get it?

  How does the man feel?

  Will they get it by credit card or cash?

3.The style   Good   Okay   Not Good

  The color   Good   Okay   Not Good

  The price   Good   Okay   Not Good

  Why do they buy this watch?

  How much is it?

4.The price   Good   Okay   Not Good

  The color   Good   Okay   Not Good

  The size    Good   Okay   Not Good

  What color is the sofa they are buying?

  When is the mid-year sale?


1.Okay, Good, Not Good.

  No, the jacket’s too big for him

  Don’t buy it

2.Not Good, Good, Good.


  The woman likes the lamp, so he had no choice.

  They’ll put it on the credit card.

3.Good, Okay, Okay.

  One of them wants to buy a present for her sister.


4.Good, Okay, Not good.


  Next Month.


1. A: What do you think of this jacket?

B: The style’s okay, I guess. How much is it?

A: It’s $40.

B: Wow! That’s really cheap. What colors does it come in?

A: Looks like they have it in black, gray, red, and brown.

B: I like those colors—especially the red one. Try it on.

A: Okay. Well, how do I look?

B: I don’t know. It’s not exactly your size.

A: Really? Do you think I should buy it, anyway?

B: No, don’t get it. It’s too big.

2. A: How about this lamp?

B: It’s ... unusual.

A: You mean, you don’t like the style.

B: Not really. And look at that price. $160!

A: Is that bad?

B: Well, it sounds pretty expensive to me.

A: What about the color?

B: Actually, the color is perfect. It goes perfectly with everything in the room. And the size is just right, too. But it’s very expensive.

A: We could put it on the credit card.

B: That’s true, I guess. Let’s just buy it and go home.

3. A: I have to get my sister a birthday present. What do you think about this watch?

B: It’s really cute. I love the style.

A: It only comes with a black or brown band, though.

B: Yeah. I’d prefer some brighter colors. Brown is so-so. How much is it?

A: $ 69.95.

B: It’s okay, I guess.

A: What about the size?

B: It’s great! She’ll love it. Just get it!

A: Okay.

4. A: Look at this sofa. What do you think?

B: Oh, I’m not sure I like the style. It’s too heavy looking.

A: Is it comfortable? Try it.

B: Mmm. It’s really comfortable. And I’d like to have something this size. Our old sofa is way too small. This size is perfect.

A: What do you think of the color?

B: Well, green isn’t my favorite color, but it’s better than that awful brown one we have now. It’s okay, I guess.

A: How much is it?

B: Oh, no! It’s $999! That’s really too expensive. We can’t afford it right now.

A: I know. Why don’t we wait ‘til next month for their mid-year sale? It might be cheaper then.

B: Hey, that’s a good idea.

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